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Below is a list of the principal investigators (P.I.) for all the BRITE fields which have currently been observed. If you would like more information on a particular star, please check the observation field to determine which P.I. you should contact. Shorthand form is given for brevity. In cases where the Principal Investigator has not yet been determined all investigators will be listed using the abbreviations below.

Principal Investigator Abbr.
Vichi Antoci VA
Elias Aydi EA
Dietrich Baade DB
Philip Bennett PB
Mark Blackford MB
Zsófia Bognár ZB
Ed Budding EB
William Chaplin WC
Jadwiga Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz JDD
Nancy Evans NE
Monika Fagas MF
Rafael Garrido RG
Alfred Gautschy AG
Edward F. Guinan
Joyce Guzik JG
Gerald Handler GH
Artie Hatzes AH
Gunter Houdek GuH
Daniel Huber DH
Swetlana Hubrig SwH
Andreas Irrgang AI
Thomas Kallinger TK
Franz Kerschbaum FrK
Viktor Khalack VK
Renada Konstantinova-Antova RKA
Michaela Kraus MK
Friedrich Kupka FK
Thomas Lebzelter ThL
Patrick Lenz PL
Catherine Lovekin CL
Theresa Lüftinger TL
Stephen Marsden SM
Anthony Moffat TM
Joanna Molenda-Żakowicz JMZ
Ehsan Moravveji EM
Paweł Moskalik PM
Jerome A. Orosz
Ernst Paunzen EP
Kresimir Pavlovski KP
John Percy JP
Andrzej Pigulski AP
Joachim Puls JP
Noel Richardson NR
Slavek Rucinski SR
Denis Shulyak DS
Barry Smalley BS
Radek Smolec RS
John Southworth JS
Christiaan Sterken CS
Marek Stęślicki MS
Klaus G. Strassmeier KS
Juan Carlos Suárez JCS
Laszlo Szabados LS
Werner W. Weiss WW
Ewa Zahajkiewicz EZa
Paweł Zieliński PZ
Konstanze Zwintz KZ
pis.1587471697.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/21 12:21 by baca